Cyrille Regis arrived in Britain from his birthplace in the French Guiana territory of Maripasoula as a bewildered five-year-old in the middle of one of the most bitter and freezing winters in living memory.

But from such humble origins, a tale of determination, fortitude and ultimately personal triumph began which thrilled and inspired generations of his new homeland. 

Cyrille became one of the most thrilling sights in football during a career spanning nearly 20 years but he possibly garnered even greater admiration for the way he tackled and defeated the racism which was so evident in Britain at that time. 

Cyrille’s calmness and dignity and as he faced off those who would abuse him especially inspired future generations of black footballers watching his deeds in the grounds or at home on TV.  

But behind that steely determination and resolve there was also a humility and genuine caring for others, personal qualities which were further enhanced by the strength he took from a deep belief in his Christian faith later in life. It is often said that the only person who didn’t realise just how big an impact he had delivered to the public was Cyrille himself.  

With Cyrille’s personal qualities firmly in mind, we used the letters in his name as our guide to the key issues to be tackled in our work with the young inductees. We encourage them to focus on these core qualities for their own personal development.  

We call it: The Cyrille Standard. 



How do you cope with those mental and moral challenges that come your way will shape your life?

Believe in yourself

Yes, believe in your capacity to finish the tasks that challenge you and achieve your goals.


Life is tough and you will need to bounce back from difficulties.


Trustworthy, strong moral principles…these characteristics will always hold you in good stead.


Cyrille was open and willing to learn all his life – it became a key aspect of his own journey.


Can you motivate others to move forward in pursuit of combined goals?


Times may be hard right now – but strengthen your endurance and you will prevail.



Through community initiatives like our Strike a Change programme, we work to equip young people from disadvantaged backgrounds with the skills and resilience needed to fulfill their potential.


Guided by the Cyrille Standard, the values we strive to transmit to our students are character, self-belief, resilience, integrity, learning, leadership and endurance.