Jay’s story holds our students spellbound

Apr 15, 2024

Former England international Jay Bothroyd held his audience spellbound as he delivered the latest mentoring session for the Cyrille Regis Legacy Trust.

More than 40 youngsters, enrolled on the latest Trust programme, gathered in Coventry for a wide-ranging Q and A with Jay and lapped up every minute of his frank and forthright talk.

Jay is the latest high-profile sports figure to give up his time to address the youngsters – and answer their questions – in the Trust’s quest to provide inspiration and leadership for students.

“Cyrille was one of the first players I remember seeing on TV who really struck a chord with me,” he told them. “He was a fantastic player and a real inspiration to me. I’m delighted to be here in his name.”

Jay enjoyed a storied 21-year career which took him across the footballing globe but only recently has he started to talk about a battle he kept secret throughout that time.

The students clung to every word as Jay told about his struggle with epilepsy throughout his career, a struggle he kept private for fear of a negative impact on his football journey.

“I think the culture is much better now and this sort of problem could come out in the open but I didn’t feel I could then,” he told his audience.

Throughout his talk, Jay kept returning to one of the key elements of his success – attitude.

Admitting it had not always been his strongest attribute he cited a no-holds-barred lecture from his agent as the career-changing trigger point.

“I was 25 and in danger of not achieving what I knew I could do and he gave me a big lecture about my attitude,” Jay said. “Thankfully that woke me up.

“I had left Arsenal as a youngster after throwing my shirt at Don Howe, one of the most respected coaches in the game, because I didn’t like being substituted! It was the wrong attitude but that was me back then.

“And that’s the most important thing for all of you to take away from this. Your attitude has to be 100 per cent right all of the time…”

Jay also covered the highlights of his career, the immense sense of satisfaction as he finally earned his England cap in 2010 complete with a personal hug of congratulations from his first manager, Arsene Wenger.

“England were preparing at the Arsenal camp and Arsene was there and asked to see me,” Jay recalled. “I went to his office and he came from behind his desk and gave me a big hug. ‘I knew you could do it,’ he told me.

“After leaving Arsenal 10 years earlier without breaking into the first team, that meant everything to me and is still one of the highlights of my career.”

Jay’s session completed the fourth of the Trust’s get-together at the clutch of West Midlands clubs which support our programme, following visits to Birmingham, Wolves and Albion.

Walsall and Villa will complete the scheduled programme.


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